
Swami Gupta: How is the best way to let go of fear?

How is the best way to let go of fear? It's a million dollar question. Because we are creating the situation to induce more fear. Fear is two parts. One is regret, another is insecurity. Another, all this mother of fear is death. Because from birth to death, we are sincerely not having a healing life. We are carried away by others. Others are telling us what to do. And our half-hearted approach to life is the major cause of fear. If you will be sincere, then you will experience life. And you will be in the present. And when you are experiencing life, then fear doesn't exist. But it is a habit pattern of how to live present. Because living with past and future is easy and we are habituated with it. And that is the major reason of our fear. Past is full of regrets. And future is full of insecurities. And what others teach us, that this will happen, you will be secure, fear will go away, that's a mirage. When you reach to a certain target set by others or by example by others, you reach there, Fear will never go. So fear is inbuilt within us. But now you are fearless. At this moment you are fearless because you are peaceful. And so to work on fear, you have to accept your present situation. Not to run away from it. We are habituated to run away from our challenges. So you have to be strong. You have to be dynamic. And if you will face the challenges, and that potentiality, that possibilities are there. But you have to work on it. It's a new habit pattern you have to adopt of here and now, moment to moment. And you have to be more sincere to yourself. You have to be more hurtful to yourself and practice truth. Truth is fearless. Celebration is fearless. And we allow others to control us. And if you will be fearless, then That's a big challenge to them. They will lose you. So, everybody induced fear on you. And Fear is a tactics to control you. So, if you want to be fearless, Then you have to be more natural. A child is fearless. He's spontaneous. He is natural. He is hungry. He celebrates the food. When he wants to sleep, he sleeps. And we have created all these issues. And partly, we can blame others. We can blame society. But I am also responsible for it. Because I am also looking for easy solutions. If others will do for me, that is the best solution. And that is not the reality. Unless you are not ready to face the challenges and experience the things, then you are under the fear. And if you want to work on fear, you have to watch your fear. Fear is a illusion. It's a blind belief and structure in you. Since years long. And everybody feared you. And you have adopted that. And you are now under the fear. So unless you are not alert, conscious, wake up, then that is very difficult. Because I am not here to assure you of all promises. I will speak the truth to you. Unless your participation is not there to work on fear, then it is going to stay with it. And to work with it, it is also a challenge you have to adopt because practicing truth is very impossible. So when truth is impossible, how fear will go? But fear is an illusion if you are alert, if you are accepting you are unconscious. If you are accepting you are ignorant. Then fear will go away. As because you are hiding all these things. So fear of cut in the society. Fear of everything is a fear. Fear of death. Fear of sickness. Fear of rejected by others. Fear of not accepted by others. So these all are fear. And so they are my suggestion in this regard. You can take a small step. See the sunrise. Put your hand on your heart. I'm having a heart. So my heart is within me. Why I will not be hurtful? So with hurtful, do your duties. Eat food. understand what food is going to you. Like a child is eating, he is enjoying. We are not enjoying food. We are eating monotonously, robotically. So you have to be natural. So just, you have to be little more sincere to yourself and try to experience. And then only fear will evaporate. Fear is strongly living within in your house, within in your body, in your mind, in your periphery, in your surrounding. And others are ready to create a fear on you. So unless you are not raised to the occasion, you are not participating to work on your fear, if you are ready, we can work together. But I will not promise you anything. Because it's within you. And how you are sincere to work on it, it's your choice. Because that cannot be imposed. But when you will come, I can show you fear is an illusion. I can dissolve that temporarily. When I can dissolve your fear, why not you?


Swami Gupta: So peace can be possible with an individual.