Om Namah Sivaya

By way of a brief hagiography, he was born into a high state Rishi family of the Rishi Bharadwaja. His Veda is the Rg Veda. His sect is the Sambukar Bharadwaja sect. His family lineage is Soham Vedanta. His ordinary name is long lost as he transcended the ‘religion’ state and became quietly well known as the ‘Hidden’ Swami, Swami ‘Gupta.’
From his earliest childhood he saw vividly a number of his past lives and had many miraculous experiences. At a still early age he went to a high Himalayan teacher to practice his spiritual calling in earnest, and at the still young age of 32 he left behind all worldly things including a successful business career and higher university studies. He started his fullest spiritual journey in the higher Himalayas. On 23 December 2002 he went into Oneness (Advaita state.) In 2004 he experienced Deathlessness (Turiya), crossing the Brahmarandra. Living in a remote inner Himalayan hermitage he then guided young seekers around him. He again guided seekers in a remote sacred area of Puri. Recently he has been teaching in the USA. He has covered all of India, visiting extensively the inner and hidden Himalayas, from Himalayas to Kanya Kumari in the south, and Dwarka to Nadia.
Swamiji can answer all your questions about art of living, art of dying, and always allows time for unlimited Q & A in his sessions. He has refused the highest titles and organized affiliations, remaining united with the Masters of all world traditions in deep communion and service. Knowing all the techniques, he fits them to individual seekers. From Puri to Paris, Alsace, the Mediterranean and well-attended Adriatic Sunrise Meditations with journalists on Italian television, and as a frequent invited guest lecturer at American colleges, or walking and playing soccer somewhere, Swamiji has been enabling tears of freedom from buried and painful memories and also the joyful celebration of the moment. Swamiji teaches independence. But should you desire to meet again and again as Friends, to do God’s work, you are always most welcome. Don’t miss your moment.
(Prof) Barbara A. Amodio, Ph.D. 12/26/2022(A.P. Mishra)
Touching the heart. Blessings
“The Master’s touch brings you to the fullness of the present. With strong determination, the Sincere Student is guided to make the journey. The Master’s touch is a commitment to help the Sincere Student to make the real journey inward to Self. The Master is taking you from the impermanent to the permanent, from death to deathlessness. This is the journey from leather to life.” (“The Master’s Touch” copyright 5/18/2016 A.P. Mishra, Master (Swami Gupta) and Barbara A. Amodio, Ph.D.)